Wacken Open Air 2024 - Alle Info about the pre-sale

The W:O:A 2023 is history, the first bands for 2024 are confirmed - what's still missing? Of course, the information about the tickets and the presale!
The regular ticket presale starts today at 20:00 on metaltix.com!
As usual we distinguish in Faster-Tickets and Harder-Tickets. All tickets are purely digital and personalized.
The categories at a glance:
The Faster Tickets, limited to 10,000 pieces, will be the first to go on sale. They cost 333€ (incl. fees) and come with a free and exclusive special T-shirt.
As soon as these tickets are gone, the sale of the Harder Tickets will start. They also cost 333€ (incl. fees). The free T-shirt is included here - otherwise both tickets are identical in terms of performance.
That means: All tickets allow the visit of the complete festival on all days and the access to all stages. The main program will take place from 31.07.2024 to 03.08.2024. Camping is included in the ticket price and possible from 29.07. until noon on 04.08.2024.
The first W:O:A 2024 merchandising:
Whether you snagged one of the 10,000 free shirts or not, two more exclusive W:O:A 2024 shirt designs will be available exclusively to fans who purchased a ticket!
Additionally, there are other exclusive bundle items like a button set, a sticker set, postcards, a lanyard and of course a souvenir ticket.
Important: After your ticket order has been processed at Metaltix, the tickets will automatically be transferred to the Wacken Ticketcenter. There you can start the order for all physical items. The items will then be transferred to the shopping cart on Metalmerch. There you can also order regular W:O:A merchandise. The shipping of the items will start already on August 7th, and we expect that all orders will be shipped until mid of September. We have massively increased the capacities here.
To prepare for the presale we recommend to log in to metaltix.com or create an account.
If you have a Wacken.ID with this email address, just register with it. Otherwise register a Wacken.ID in advance via the Wacken Ticketcenter. You can use the Wacken.ID to log in to metalmerch.com. Then you can enter your current delivery addresses and decide which payment method you want to use.
Important: After your ticket order has been processed at Metaltix, the tickets will be automatically transferred to the Wacken Ticketcenter.The transfer to the Wacken Ticketcenter will start later and will be done downstream, please have a little patience there. You will get a message by email as soon as the tickets have been transferred.
W:O:A 2024 - 31.07.- 03.08.2024
Featuring: Scorpions, Amon Amarth, Blind Guardian, Mayhem, Watain, Pain, Beast In Black, Bury Tomorrow, Blues Pills, Knorkator, Sonata Arctica, Motionless In White, Unleash The Archers, Sick Of It All, The Warning, Red Fang, The Black Daliah Murder, Ankor, Primordial, Flotsam & Jetsam, Xandria, Soil, Emil Bulls, Vio-Lence, Wolf, Exumer, Vreid, Brutus, Ignea, John Coffey, Asagraum and many more.
Ticket presale starts today at 20:00 on metaltix.com.
See you in Wacken, rain or shine!