Let's get Wasted - Here are the Wasted Wednesday bands for W:O:A 2023!

It is Wednesday dudes - and that means Bergfest, as we traditionally say in Germany. This year Wasted Wednesday marks not only the middle of your Wacken stay (you are coming Monday, right?) but the official start of the festival! And because we know you are longing for those best kept secrets that will make your neck burn from headbanging, we bring you the fire eaters, the city cobras and the most dangerous guitar slickers - basically the grimiest Mfers Metal has to offer! All this in your favourite thrashy setting - on the aptly named Wasteland Stage! It is to no surprise that Germany is a perfect breeding ground for a new brigade of Speed and Thrash Metal acts, hence the teutonic spawn called CobraKill, Detraktor and Knife will give you exactly that!
They are matched by their Belgian counterparts Bütcher and Schizophrenia. If you have not developed that after this brutal assault on your braincells, get your fix from Australia’s Hidden Intent. Finishing you off that night with a sly smile will be the legendary EvilDead from Los Angeles. Yes. We are talking about THE EvilDead and we can’t be more stoked to welcome these veterans finally gracing our small party in northern Germany!
Let’s get wasted!